24 played, cashed in 12, 5 wins, 7 seconds.
Total entries: $240.50
Total Winnings: $327.60
Profit: $87.10
ROI: $36%
Visual Proof:
Played in 2 of the $22+2 SNG, and was lucky to place first in 1 of them for a cash of $85ish. Take that one out, and I was about even for the lot of SNGs. But alas, I managed to win it and keep my streak of positive days going.
I want to get in a few FTOPS qualifiers in the next few days, but Valentines Day throws a kink in things as far as poker goes, but improves things in other areas. :P
Bankroll update: $2,746
Gradually moving up since I started this SNG deal. No big swings to speak of, which makes my conservative brain feel much better.
Anyways, back to work, and probably no poker for a couple of days, but starting Sunday, 10 straight days of grinding baby!
Talk to you all soon.
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