Thursday, December 6, 2007


I have to laugh at how my last 3 sessions have gone. I have put in about 12 hours of play since my last post, and each session (3+ hours each) have gone like this:

Hands 1-100: Lose 1 or 2 huge all-in hands with the 2nd nuts, down 2+ buy-ins
Hands 101-250: Tread water, back off and play a little tighter, and then win at least one huge all-in hand to regain some of the losses
Hands 251-500: Nothing happens, up $10, down $10, nothing eventful at all
Hands 501-end: Maintain tight play, and on the last round of the night, I pick up Aces or Kings at least once or twice and get a re-raiser and an all-in before me, and take the pot. In one session, it happened to be checking from the big blind with Q4 (my dad's favorite hand - because it was hit late mother's favorite hand) and flopping QQ4 and getting into a raiser war with someone who slow played KK.

Each session, I end up down 2-3 buyins to start and battle back to get to even and then just above, so I have averaged like $2 an hour for the last 3 sessions. AWESOME!!!

Bankroll after last post:
FT: $1,250
PS: $127
Total: $1,377

Bankroll after this post:
FT: $1,227
PS: $198
Total: $1,425

In conclusion, the bankroll is up, but it has been tough. I am still on track for $2k before New Year's. Let's hope I can keep it going.

Thanks, see you at the tables.


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