Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My downswing has now reached 8 buy-ins. I don’t know if it is a combination of loose play, getting bad beated, or what, but it definitely stinks. My roll has dropped to $400, and is only not closer to $300 because I won a $5 SNG on Full Tilt last night for $54. Other than that, cash has sucked, tournaments have sucked in general, and poker has not gone well.

Outside of poker, life is good, family is happy and healthy, job still exists, which is a blessing, my wife is making good money with her business, kids are doing well in school, my brother is in town for 2 months trying to figure out if he can move here for good or not, which is awesome.

5 days ago, I started P90X as well, which is a program put together by Tony Horton, and it’s 90 days of intense workouts, strict eating and 100% dedication. I am 5 days in, and even though I can’t physically see results yet, I can see how it works. It’s a rotation of strength and stretching exercises, where one day you are exhausted from your weight workout, the next day is 60 minutes of stretching, or kempo, or yoga, or something to soothe your body. The next day, you are raring to go for another strength exercise to get big.

I have decided to give it 90 days, and if it works like hell, I might do another 90 days to get even bigger, haven’t decided yet. We will see.

In other news, my best friend from high school is getting married up in Vancouver, BC in early May, so I have planned a week up there at that time. 7 days of just me and my dad, all the rest of my family here, a little poker, a little catching up with some friends I haven’t seen since graduation day 1997, and a bunch of R&R (and no work!)

I think I am going to move away from cash for a little while until I get my head straightened again, and just stick to some low-level SNGs for now, and see what happens. If I can snag myself a few tokens, I will play some tourneys as well, but don’t see that happening any time soon.

Hope everyone is well, good luck at the tables.


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