Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A short update post only, as I have not really had time to play poker recently, nor the drive. I have been on vacation for 12 days, then on a company retreat the week before that, and then had my eyes lazered in Mexico City the week before that, so did not play a lot.

Honestly, I don't know how much I will play in the next month, I don't really have the drive right now. My wife is still up in Canada for 2 more weeks with my oldest daughter, and I have my twins here in Mexico with me, and have been enjoying their company more than anything recently.

Also, in the last month, I have gained about 15 pounds and feel like shit. I got onto a diet and workout regimine yesterday and hope to take that all the way until Halloween and see what I can drop. Then, after that, I will work on strenghtening with weight workouts until my birthday in late January. My goal at one time was to get in the best shape of my life on my birthday next year, though that has fallen by the wayside in the last 8 or so weeks. I will let you know.

Anyways, no poker to speak of, and probably not much in the next few weeks. Good luck everyone at the tables.


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